Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A different perspective...


I know a lot of you have probably seen "g-Camp" written in the sidebar and thought that it was a typo. It isn't. g-Camp is the camp for our littles...aka the small children of our e-Camp staffers that is held at my home. In it's second year, just like e-Camp, we have grown this year...just like e-Camp.

Last year, I was a full-timer at e-Camp, being the camp "administrator", and my son attended g-Camp. Let me just say that g-Camp was the HIGHLIGHT of his summer! Now I know why!!

About a month ago, we added a little girl to our family, I made the shift for this year to staying at my home and helping with g-Camp. We have had an absolute BLAST! As you can see from some of our "over-heards", our little people can be every bit as funny and profound as our big people and while I miss being at e-Camp and really miss the campers I bonded with last year, g-Camp has been so fun and the kiddos are learning so much!

This year, our theme is "Great is Thy Name!" (the "g" in g-Camp) and the kids, so far, have learned that Jehova-Raah is their Shepherd, Jehova-jireh is their Provider, and Jehova-nissi is their banner. They have heard the stories when God first called Himself by these names and have asked questions and learned verses, hiding His Word in their hearts.

Thank you so much to all the e-Camp volunteers, but from all of us over here at g-Camp straight to the mommas of our kiddos, thank you for serving AND for lending us your kids. We love them to pieces, each and every one!

- by: Mandy Reutter

1 comment:

  1. I awoke this morning and peeked at our blog.... I was undone! The pictures are precious and priceless! I want to be a g-camper! Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica Morlan
    (Gege's daughter)
