Wednesday, June 22, 2011

g-Camp...the PLACE to be

g-Camp has been THE PLACE TO BE this week!! 

With 9 kids ranging from a little over 2 to 5-going-on-6, we have had a few challenges--and LOTS of fun!!  My worker bees, Nicol Sponberg and Nancy Petak, along with our youth helpers Maddy, Millie, and Tori have greased all the squeaky wheels and helped our camp run smoothly--and joyfully. 

Our focus this year is that we are God's kids, princes and princesses, being trained by the King of Kings for His service. 

Monday we talked about what it means to be a servant--and how Jesus left heaven and its glory to come to earth-- still King, but Servant King. 

Tuesday we looked at two examples of Jesus' servanthood.  First, we looked at His feeding the multitude from the standpoint of His serving the people by meeting their need for lunch.  Second, we looked at Jesus' example of serving His disciples by washing their feet.  These campers listened intently to the story then quietly followed the instruction to move onto the tile floor, taking off shoes and socks, and wondering what was going on.  The Lord had impressed on my heart to follow Jesus' example so I washed their precious little feet.  Their was no giggling or questions or talk (which I fully expected!), just quiet watching.  For me, it was a glimpse of glory, this side of heaven, and something I will not forget!  I was clearly reminded that God is at work teaching the teacher!! 

Today we talked about one bad king and two good, talking about Saul, David, and Solomon. God's Word reminded us that man looks on the outside but God looks on the heart. 

Before, after, and in the in-betweens we have colored, glued, played on swings and slides, sprayed each other with the hose, prayed together, made new friends, ridden wheeled toys lickety-split in the hall, chased each other in rousing games of Duck, Duck, Goose and Cat and Mice, laughed, snacked on popcorn, goldfish, frozen pops, and lemonade, eaten lunch with the 'big kids' and at least 100 other things!

Thank you for lending me your wondrous, amazing, funny, tender, wrestling, curious children.  They have been a treat these first three days and I fully expect more of the same for the last two days.  Our God, the King of Glory, is incredible!  ~ Gege

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