Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grasp It!

Have you seen the red hands? They are everywhere. Do you know what they mean? If your e-camper came home with a red hand I hope they have shared the reason! Our hands are attached to us at all times. We never will be without them! Our hands help us play games, eat, work, write, clap, pray, praise God and also TELL the story of what Jesus has done in our lives. E-Campers are walking away from Grasp It with a tool to share the salvation story with friends and family. The Thumb: God loves me. He gives me the free gift of Grace, if I choose to accept it. The Index finger: I am a sinner. When we point out the sin of others, we have to remember that there are 3 other fingers pointing back at me. Everyone is a sinner. The Middle finger: It is the tallest and greatest! Jesus Christ is the greatest in all of the universe. He died on the cross, because I am a sinner and gives me the free gift of Grace. The Ring finger: I need to Believe that Jesus came to earth to die for my sins. The Pinky finger: If I believe, then one day I will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.
At the end of each session, e-campers are invited to place their hand on a piece of cloth as a remembrance of what Christ did for them. He bled (hence the red ink) and died on the cross for our sins! That's MY God! And my prayer is that MY God is, or becomes, THEIR God. As they are making their hand prints, several wonderful ladies are praying God's blessing on each individual camper. It is a blessing to see their face light up when we lift up their name to Jehovah Raah, our shepherd.
Thank you so much for sharing your child with us this week! This is one of many hearts that have been greatly blessed! And it's only day 2!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! So fun hearing the kids explain it too!!!
