Monday, June 20, 2011

holy halls

Please excuse my lack of techno-savvy. I cannot figure out how to rotate this video, therefore, will you please rotate your head to watch?
Today 140 children walked through the tunnel of love to e-camp. Our student leaders made the tunnel by standing shoulder to shoulder and raising their hands high. Little people passed through it to the other side amidst cheers and whoo hoo’s. 
I can’t help but see the figurative illustration represented here by the literal. These student leaders are giving their lives away. A phrase we throw around a lot at Fellowship Bible Church. Do we actually do it? Well, I am seeing it first hand in action by a loving group of student leaders this week. All day long I saw the leaders encouraging, bending down and looking littler people in the eyes and giving them words or hugs.
And as a mom, I know, these littler people thrive on the attention from teenagers. One Create it! (that’s e-speak for art) participant bloomed right before my eyes when Erin Ogilvie pointed out a facet of her design that was beautiful. 
My own children have regaled me with stories since we arrived home. In fact, one just called me away from this post to ask me something “very important.” He is supposed to be going to bed. One more story had to be told. He asked me if I had seen Fernando today. I told him I had not seen him but had been looking. Fernando is a friend we made two years ago at e-camp. He is from Honduras originally and now attends El Shaddai church. (We are blessed to have a group from there participating.) And so my son, Joshua, was telling me how Fernando had made him laugh today. We lived for four years in Honduras and share a special love of that country.
And so back at my computer, thinking of Fernando, I watched the video I had taken this morning and who should appear coming through the tunnel? Fernando. Catch him in the Honduras soccer jersey. Hey, Fernando, Viva Honduras!
Worship. Community. Growth. Service. Generosity. 
I’m not sure these halls at Fellowship have ever been holier.
My name is Gigi McMurray. I am being lead by ten 6 year olds and thirteen other young people during the Create it! afternoon focus group. In addition, each child will create something in the morning in our art break-out session. We will display these expressions of worship on Family Worship Night. Yes, these children are leading me. And they will lead us in worship Friday night.
Look forward to seeing you there!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right Gigi! I feel led by these kids and teens too!
